Shocking!! Wife Abandoned Husband And Kids To Join Isis - Photos
A mother has fled to Syria with her two
young children to join Islamic State.
Rehana Begum Islam abandoned her
husband of 14 years, vanishing
overnight with her eight-year-old son
and three-year-old daughter.
The 33-year-old travelled from
Heathrow to Istanbul on February 14
and then took an internal flight to
Gaziantep, a city on Turkey's border
with Syria.
She is believed to have been helped by
a Syrian who was arrested last week on
suspicion of getting three east London
schoolgirls across the border.
Her passport details were found on his
laptop – showing she and her children
have been with Islamic State fanatics
for five weeks.
Mrs Islam's devastated husband Azizul
says he has not stopped crying since
police revealed she had travelled to
Gaziantep, a popular gateway to Syria
for foreign fighters and jihadi brides.He
'It's really hard for me,' said the 36-
year-old minicab driver last night. 'I
haven't seen my kids for more than one
month. I can't even sleep without my
'My question is why did she go there?
She has two kids, she has a family, and
this house is in her name. Why has she
left everything? This is really
'When the police told me she travelled
to Gaziantep – I've seen it in the news,
so many British people are trying to
travel there – it came into my mind that
maybe she's gone to Syria but still I
can't believe it.'
Last night Turkish intelligence sources
revealed her ID documents were found
on the laptop of Mohammed al-Rashed.
He was arrested on suspicion of helping
Shamima Begum, 15, Kadiza Sultana,
16, and Amira Abase, 15, become jihadi
brides in Syria.
All three attended Bethnal Green
academy in Tower Hamlets.
Al-Rashed, 28, is said to have told
detectives he has mainly helped British
fighters but also South Africans and
Australians. The details of two other
Britons, aged 19 and 29, were on his
Mr Islam said: 'He must've also helped
her to get there.
'I'm worried about my kids, I hope she
comes back with my kids. Please. She's
going to destroy my two kids' lives.
'IS is killing Muslim people as well. My
religion doesn't say anything about
killing people.'If you're Muslim you
should know that the Koran doesn't say
this. These people are dangerous.'
The Bangladeshi-born father said he
had no idea how his wife, who suffers
from depression, had become
radicalised.He did not know that the
former RBS clerk posted frequently on
Facebook about Islam. But he said she
spent a lot of time on her smartphone.
Mrs Islam took her laptop with her when
she disappeared. Her husband added:
'If I knew anything I would do
everything to stop my wife, especially
my two kids. I do everything for my kids
since they were born. I look after the
kids like I'm their mother.
'I play the role of mother because my
wife can't handle them sometimes.
When I married her she wasn't religious,
she was like a normal girl, she didn't
even cover herself. But a couple of years
ago she started covering up and praying
five times a day.'
Mr Islam, who works nights in Enfield,
north London, said he suspected his
wife was missing when he came home
in the early hours.
'I couldn't see anyone in the house but
most of the weekends she spends at her
sister's house, it's not far, it's round
the corner,' he said.
'I tried calling her big sister but she said
she wasn't there. We called her friends,
relatives and made phone calls, but no
one knew so we called the police.
'The police told me she took a flight
from Heathrow to Amsterdam, and from
Amsterdam to Istanbul. When they
found out that she flew to Gaziantep
maybe then they thought she went to
Syria. I don't have any clue.'
Culled from Dailymail